Dr. Andreas Eberl
- Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
- Sprechstunden: nach Vereibarung
- Raum: 002
CS 09.21 - Tel.: +49 721 608-43746
- andreas eberl ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
- Blücherstraße 17
76185 Karlsruhe
Eberl, A., Klar, B. (2024). Measures of kurtosis: inadmissible for asymmetric distributions? Metrika. Online First Article
Eberl, A., Klar, B. (2024). Centre-free kurtosis orderings for asymmetric distributions. Statistical Papers 65, 415–433. Published Article, Preprint
Eberl, A., Klar, B. (2023). Stochastic orders and measures of skewness and dispersion based on expectiles. Statistical Papers 64, 509–527. Published Article, Preprint
Eberl, A., Klar, B. (2022). Expectile based measures of skewness. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 49, 373–399. Published Article, Preprint
Eberl, A., Klar, B. (2021). A note on a measure of asymmetry. Statistical Papers 62, 1483–1497. Published Article
Eberl, A., Klar, B. (2020). Asymptotic distributions and performance of empirical skewness measures. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 146. Published Article
Eberl, A., Klar, B. (2019). On the skewness order of van Zwet and Oja. Mathematical Methods of Statistics 28, 262–278. Published Article