Recognition of Courses and Exams
Here you can find information regarding the recognition of courses and examinations after a stay abroad at a foreign university or when changing the degree program.
Recognition agreement Statistics I und II
The responsibility for the teaching of the (basic) module Statistics changes annually between the chair of Prof. Grothe, Prof. Schienle and Prof. Krüger. Information on the current responsible chair as well as recognition agreements for the (basic) module Statistics can be found on the joint website.
Recognition of study and examination from abroad
Learning agreements before traveling abroad: Please email the following documents to the administration office:
- Form of the Department of Economics and Management ("Anerkennungsvereinbarung für Auslandsstudienleistungen", available via the Wiwi-Portal)
- Form providing information on the course to be recognized
Learning agreements after traveling abroad: Please email the following documents to the administration office:
- Form of the Department of Economics and Management ("Antrag auf Anerkennung einer Prüfungs- oder Studienleistung", available via the Wiwi-Portal)
- Transcript of records issued by the exchange university
Recognition of study and examination achievements for change of degree program
Please email the following documents to the administration office:
- Form of the Department of Economics and Management ("Antrag auf Anerkennung einer Prüfungs- oder Studienleistung", available via the Wiwi-Portal)
- Form providing information on the course to be recognized
- Transcript of records issued by your previous university